Ultimate Peace of Mind: The Best Main (or Backup) Sterilizer for Your Practice

If you're seeking a way to ensure sterilization efficiency and reliability without the risk of contamination, equipment downtime, or compliance issues, I invite you to read everything, and absorb every word on this page. Discover how the Pelton Crane OCM sterilizer serves as the ultimate solution, offering you the best way to achieve optimal sterilization results effortlessly!

Order Before The Timer Hits Zero And Save $265

What It Will Do For You

  1. High Sterilization Efficiency: Achieving 100% steril instruments.

  2. Reliability: Known for its reliability, the Pelton Crane OCM sterilizer provides consistent performance, reducing the risk of equipment failure and minimizing downtime in critical healthcare settings. It works and works. Simple and reliable.

  3. Ease of Use: Designed with user convenience in mind, featuring simple operation controls and easy-to-understand instructions, enabling staff to operate it without extensive training.

Why shall I purchase now

  1. The Pelton Crane OCM is not available to be purchased easily. Because they hardly ever break, surgeons keep them. We have 10ea available right now.

  2. Regulatory Hero: With compliance more critical than ever, the OCM ensures you’re not just meeting standards but exceeding them, safeguarding your practice against violations that could cost you dearly.

  3. Cost-Effective: The regular every day price is $2695.00 (CLICK to see details). In the end, the OCM isn’t an expense; it’s an investment in your practice's efficiency, safety, and reputation. With low operational costs and minimal maintenance, it’s the financial decision that makes sense.

  4. To entice you to buy now, we are giving a 10% from the above price.


This offers is available until midnight, Feb 29th 2024

The Investment

I'm gearing up to list the Pelton Crane OCM sterilizer at a solid $2695. This sterilizer is not just a sterilizer; it's your next step towards unparalleled efficiency and reliability in your practice.

So here's the deal - if you jump on this NOW (I mean, before you even think about clicking away from this page), you're in for a much sweeter deal at just $2400.

Why such a generous discount, you ask? Well, because I feel like it.

So, you're pocketing a cool $265 savings when you make the smart move today.

And just between us, there's another reason I'm slicing the price – and I'll admit, it's a bit selfish. The truth is, the vast majority of folks who pick up something from me come back for more. They're like those encore-loving fans at a rock concert, and I'm here for it.


Alfa Medical (Sterilizers.com) 10 Bond St Great Neck NY 11021 1-800-762-1586